Hi my maternal age is 35yrs Did a pelvis ultra sound recently due to my abnormal / heavy bleeding and the following is my result. Uterus: anteverted. Unterine anomalies: none Endometrium: endometrium clearly visualised, thickness total 9.0mm, thickness - single layer, 3.4mm endometrium cavity: shows hyperechoic area -?? polyp? fluid? blood. Fibroids: 1 Fbroid: Size: 40mm x36mm. Type: sebserous fibroid. Position: anterior. Lower segment, anterior wall. Cervix: normal Right ovary: normal morphology Left ovary: normal morphology Done. My Question: Endometrium: according to my above pelvis ultra sound, is there anything wrong with my endometrium? Fibroid: I am now finally going for uterine fibroid embolization. What are the after effects? Will be able to fall pregnant after uterine fibroid embolization? thank you for your reply.