Hello - your son's liver function enzymes (ALT and GGT) are elevated: there are many reasons that can cause these readings. While not dangerously abnormal, you should worry a little and talk to your son to pay attention to his health.
I suspect your son might be overeating. However, there are a few questions that need to be answered:
1. Is there any alcohol consumption?
2. What is his day-today diet like?
3. Has there been any drastic change in his body weight?
3.Is there any family history of liver disease?
4. Any other chronic disease in the family such as obesity,
diabetes or hypertension?
5.Has your son had any infection in the past that might have hurt his liver?
6. Is he currently on any medication or any type of supplements?
7. How
overweight is your son i.e. what is his
Body Mass Index (kg/m squared)?
6. What is his recreational history like i.e.
smoking etc. ?
His blood
cholesterol results are also abnormal; his
triglyceride reading and LDL levels are rather high. Triglycerides come from fatty and carbohydrate-laden foods (junk food, processed foods) and LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) is also high.
My advice is that you sit your son down and talk to him about his diet and lifestyle. Once you have gained his cooperation (he is a young man now, we must respect his rights and feelings), both of you pay a visit to your family physician and talk about necessary changes to his diet and lifestyle. Support him and monitor him so that he can instill these changes. These blood results that you have provided ought to be recorded and the test repeated in 3 - 6 months. His weight also should be recorded. If these results remain the same or worsen, then further investigation might be required.