the examination was performed post vi and oral contrast administration. clinical history: uterine leiomyosarcoma, s/p TAH, BSO. the liver shows homogenous enhancement with a 3 mm hypodensity in segment vi and another 3 mm similar hypodensity in the dome most likely tiny cysts. the GB is collapsed without radiopaque stone.the biliary tree is not dilated. the pancreas and spleen are unremarkable.the adrenal glands are of normal thickness.the kidneys show no hydronephrosis, stone or mass.S/P total hysterectomy, post surgical changes with mild fat stranding in the subcutaneous fat and pelvic cavity are noted.there are no large retroperitoneal lymph nodes. there is a 6 x 5 mm benign appearing lymph node in the left common iliac chain.the bowel loops show no thickening.the bladder has regular thin free fluid in the abdominal cavity.there is partial fusion of l4 and l5 vertebrae,