Hi Doc, Please find the my Semen Analysis report. My report shows Percentage motility=40%, Pus Cells=6-7 /hpf & Epithelial Cells=Few /hpf. Please give me comments & solution of this problem. Full Details of Report are- Physical Examination:- Time of specimen= 9.35 am, Time of Examination=10.35 am, Duration of Abstinence= 4 days (3-7), Liquefaction at 37 (at d.c.)= 60 mins (30-60), Volume= 3.00 mL ( 1.5), Appearance= Viscid opaque, Colour= Whitish, Viscosity= Thick, pH= 7.8 (7.2 - 7.8) Microscopic Examination :- Total Sperm Concentration = 68% million /ml ( 15), Percentage Motility= 40%( 50), Grade A= 25%(Progressive motile), Grade B= 15%(Non Progressive motile), Grade C= 60%(Immotile), Agglutination= Negative (Negative), Pus Cells= 6-7 /hpf (Nil), Red Blood Cells= Nil /hpf(Nil), Epithelial Cells=Few /hpf (Nil) Morphlogy:- Normal Morphology= 50%, Abnormal Morphology= 50% (a) Head defects= 25%, (b) Neck & midpiece= 15%, (C) Tail defects 10% Chemical Examination:- Semen Fructose, Qualitative= Positive Please give me your comments on my report and suggestions to resolve the issues.