Hello dear
Understand your concern
First compare your semen report with normal semen analysis
Ejaculate volume: 2 to 6 mL ____________2.5____Normal
Liquifaction time: 20-30 minutes__________1 hour __increased
Total Sperm count:40-300 million________209 million__normal
Sperm concentration:20-150 million/ml____83 million/ml
Active motile sperm : 50% motile at one hour after ejaculation__but you have total motility 40 % suggest low motility of sperm.
Pus cell: up to 5 ____________6-8____may be due to infection,
So according to your semen report you have high liquefaction time, low motility and pus cell suggests infections.
Increased liquefaction and low motility mainly due to infection in
seminal vesicle,
prostate and anatomy defect in seminal vesicle and prostate.
But presence of pus cell suggests mainly infections.
It is difficult to become father with low motility.
I advice you to consult the
urologist and go for
Post coital test, USG color Doppler of
scrotum and Semen culture & antibiotic sensitivity test.
Doctor will give following advice:
Antibiotic according to semen culture and antibiotic sensitivity test.
Take antioxidant tablet like CO Q.
Multivitamin tablet, do regular exercise like walking and yoga early in the morning for 45-60 minutes, take fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and dry fruits like almonds, Avoid smoking and alcohol.
Repeat the test after 1 month.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar