Hello dear
Understand your concern
Compare your report with normal semen analysis:
Volume: 2-3 mi_____________________3 ml____normal
Color: grayish white________________normal
pH : >=7.2 ____________Alkaline_______normal
Liquification time: 30 minutes_____________2 hour__abnormal
Total sperm count:40-300 million_______58_normal
Motility: 40 % or more_____________normal
Morphology:> 4 %________________70__normal
Pus cell : up to 5_________________2-3 normal
All parameter are normal except abnormal liquification time.
It may be due to infection and abnormal accessory sexual glands.
I advice you to go for semen culture and Colour doppler USG of
Continue calco-q.
Take healthy diet rich in protein and antioxidant.
Do regualr exercise and avoid
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar