Thanks for posting in HCM.
I understand your concern.
The following conclusions can be drawn based on the
semen analysis report you have furnished.
1. Quantity of 1 ml is towards the lower limit of normal.
2. Colour should be whitish, but is dirty white.
3. Viscosity and reaction seems to be normal.
4. Liquification time of 30 minutes is also normal.
Sperm count of 35 million/ml is normal (should be 20 million/ml or more)
Sperm motility with 20% motile and 50% non-motile is lower than normal. Ideally, more than 50% of the sperms should be actively motile.
7. Sperm morphology with 40% normal forms can be considered as normal.
Since microscopic features has not been furnished, the reason for colour being dirty white cannot be concluded.
Considering other things, since the motility seems to be below normal, at this stage the fertility index seems to be moderately low.
Kindly take medications containing L-carnitine,
alpha lipoic acid, CoQ10, Lecithin,
Vitamin E,
Selenium and Zinc for 3 months, as these substances act as nutrient for the sperms.
You need to repeat semen analysis to know for the improvement.
consult Infertility specialist with the report for appropriate evaluation and management.
Hope the information provided would be helpful.
All the best.