Hi doc,.I just received lab test results of my sperm analysis 70m count and vaginal swab and hormone assay results of my wife. We r trying to conceive.my sperm culture shows moderate growth of staph au and very sensitive to augumentin+++,rocephin++ But I m surprised that my wife swab shows d same staph au,but very sensitive to rosephin+++ and augumentin+++. Her swab also shows creamy, non crystalline swab,pus 3-4,yeast+,bacteria+,epith cells+. Pls advice us on what antibiotics both of us should use to clear all and d dosage and d length of time we should use it for.. Also,a sperm test I did in 2015 shows 75m count but has pus cells and d doctor give me cipro tabs for 7 days,but I m surprised there s still bacteria in it today result. Thanks