Hi, i got this results from my transvaginal ultrasound. The endonetrium is thicked and hyperchoic, probably decidualized. Within the endometrium is a centrally located fundally impanted gestational sac like structure meas 0.44x0.40x0.38cm (equivalent to 5weeks and 1 day) with wall thivkness of 0.15. Superoinferior to it is an area of sonolucency meas 1.28x0.39x0.41cm with a volume of 0.11ml. Left ovary-with multiple follicles greater than 12 in numbers, each meas less than 1cm in diameter and a thick walled, unilocular cystic structure with crenated borders meas 1.49x0.99cm, suggestive of a corpus luteum. Cervix-no free fluid in the cul de sac.