Good morning. I went for ultrasound on 21 April 2016 the result reads reads : liver shows mild enlargement 163mm in diameter, parenchyma echotexture appear homogenous gall bladder normal, spleen has normal size and echotexture, kidneys appear normal in size and position, pancreas is normal, UB is normal in size and position, Bowel loops: normal bowel loops and peristalsis noted, epigastrium is mask by profuse gas shadow. Impression: 1 HEPATOMEGALLY. 2. ?PUD. I also did H. pylori test which read positive. After this i was placed on ULSAKIT, antacid, cimetidine and Bco for two week. I started feeling ok. After another two weeks the formal symptoms i usually feel( chest pain, indegestion, hot flash in the stomach) started again. I went to doctor he placed me on omeprazol, amoxil and flagyl but this drugs were causing me frequently stooling and stomach upset so i swtiched back to ulsakit. I take alot of fruit but this pain in chest has been constant coupled with weight loss. please i need help. the chest pain in particular is of high concern. I have taken this drugs for over two weeks now but nothing has changed.