Hi Doc, I had an ultrasound last July 8, 2016 at 21 weeks and 4 days by BPD, 21 weeks and 4 days by HC, 22 weeks and 4 days by AC, 22 weeks and zerodays by FL. EFW is 483 +/- 71 grams; EDC November 13, 2016 +/- 2 week; AFI is 13cm. It mentioned also that the placenta is located posterofundally and away from the cervical os. it exhibit a grade II maturity echopattern. The distal tip of the placenta is noted near the internal cervical os. No gross fetal deformity noted. The stomach and urinary bladder are fluid-filled suggesting orogastric patency and functional kidneys, respectively. Femal fetal genitalia is noted. The cervix is closed with length of 4.6cm. Tubular structures with color flow on doppler are noted around the fetal cervica region. Amniotic fluid is adequate. No other significant findings. Impression also noted by the Sonologist: Single, live, intrauterine pregnancy in cephalic presentation with AOG of 21 weeks and 5 days based on BPD, AC, FL and HC measurements Nuchal Cord Coil Low lying placent, follow up study suggested Normohydamnios Gender: Female