USG WHOLE ABDOMEN On real time B-Mode sonography, Liver is normal in size . Its echopattern is enhanced. Margins are well defined ®ular. No SQL is seen. Hepatic & portal veins are normal. IHBRS are normal. GB is normal in size ,shape & outline. It shows normal physiological distension. No calculus or growth is seen in the GB lumen. No GB mass is seen. CBD & biliary radicles are normal. Pancreas is normal in size, shape & echo texture. No SQL or peripancreatic collection is seen. Spleen is normal in size, shape & echotexture .No SQL is seen. Lt. kidney is normal in site, size, shape, outline & echotexture. Its parenchymal thickness is normal. CorticoMedullaiy (CM) differentiation is well maintained. No calculus is seen in the Lt. kidney. Pelvicalyceal system reveals no hydronephrosis. Rt. kidney is normal in site, size, shape, outline & echotexture. Its parenchymal thickness is normal. CorticoMedullary (CM) differentiation is well maintained. No calculus is seen in the Rt. kidney. Pelvicalyceal system reveals no hydronephrosis. No evidence of Ascites, Pleural Effusion or Lymphadenopathy is s1een. UB is normal in size & shape. No calculus or growth is seen in the urinary bladder. Uterus is normal in size, Its echopattern is altered, A well defined hypoechoic mass measuring 21X24mm size is seen in anterior wall of uterus -? Sub-serosal. Few echo genic foci are seen in the uterine cavity. No calcification is seen inside the mass. Endometrial echocomplex is central. Its thickness is 06mm. Cervix is normal. Both ovaries are normally identified. No fluid is seen in the CUL-DE-SAC. Further evaluation & clinical correlation is suggested.