i am 42 yrs old,got married before 23 yrs,have two daughter,one of 22 yrs and one 12yrs old,i used to get my periods within 15 days,i didnt have any kind of pain ,, i didnt my transvaginal sonograPHY OF PElvis and my report says real time ultrasound examination of pelvis shows, uterus is anteverted and normal in size 6*4*3 cm myometrial echoes are heterogenous,with a rounded heterogenous intramural fibroid in the left lateral wall , measuring 2.7*2 cm endometrial echoes normal,measures 10mm bulky cervix with multiple NABOTHIAN CYSTS. BOTH ovaries are normal in size and echotexture. Rt ovary 2*1.5cm LT ovary 2*1.2 cm. no fluid in cul-de-sac. IMPRESSION HETEROGENOUS MYOMETRIUM ,WITH FIBROID AS DESCRIBED BULKY CERVIX WITH NABOTHIAN CYSTS.