my scan report is bulky uterus measures 9.2cm x 5.4.cms myometrium shows a hypoechoic subserous fibroid in anterior wall measures 2.6 x 2.5cm and an echogenic intramural fibroid in posterior wall measures 2.4 x 2.3cms Thickness of endometrium 11mm.Nabothian cyst in both lips of cervix.
i am 52 yrs old i am having menses period in every 40 days or between 50 days sometimes 29 days or 15 days. Right ovary 2.1x2.0cms no cyst or mass lesion.Left ovary 2.0x1.9cms no cyst or mass leasion.
impression: bulky uterus with fibroids. Liver,Gall bladder, pancreas, Spleen, both kidneys, Bladder and ovaries sonologically show no significant abnormality.when did the periods will stop or am i to take uterus