Hello dear
Understand your concern
Compare your urine report with normal urine analysis
Color – Yellow to straw______________ straw_________normal
Clarity/turbidity – Clear or cloudy__________________normal
pH – 4.5-8______________________5.0________normal
Specific gravity – 1.005-1.025_________1.025_____normal
Glucose - ≤130 mg/d____________negative_____normal
Protein - ≤150 mg/d______________negaative_normal
Pus cell: up to 5/hpf___________0-1______normal
RBCs:≤2 RBCs/hpf_______________0-1_____normal
epithelial cells - ≤15-20 /hpf__________few___normal
WBCs:≤2-5 WBCs/hpf_____________________none____normal
Crystals and mucus thread: ocaassionaly ______________none _normal
Yeast and bacteria : none_____________normal
Calcium and
oxalate crystal may be present sometime in
urinary tract stone.
Otherwise your urine report is completely normal.
I advice you to go for USG to exclude stone and if you have symptoms of UTI then take following advice:
Drink plenty of fluids (2-3 L/day) and juice of cranberry,orange and pine apple. Syrup cidal. Always empty the bladder completely.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar