Hello dear
Understand your concern
First compare your urine report with the normal urine analysis:
Color – Yellow (light/pale to dark/deep amber)
Clarity/turbidity – Clear or cloudy
pH – 4.5-8
Specific gravity – 1.005-1.025
Glucose - ≤130 mg/d
Ketones – None
Nitrites – Negative
Leukocyte esterase – Negative
Bilirubin – Negative
Urobilirubin – Small amount (0.5-1 mg/dL)
Blood - ≤3 RBCs
Protein - ≤150 mg/d________Albumin present
RBCs - ≤2 RBCs/hpf________Norma
WBCs - ≤2-5 WBCs/hpf________more WBC suggest infections
epithelial cells - ≤15-20 squamous epithelial cells/hpf
Casts – 0-5 hyaline casts/lpf
Crystals – Occasionally
Bacteria – None
Yeast - None
So you are suffering from UTI
But there is no
diabetes as your sugar level is normal.
Albumin may be due to glomerulas membrane damage due to UTI and in
So also check for blood pressor.
For UTI: Drink plenty of waters,
Do not delay in bladder empty
Take tablet septra three times a day for 3 days
For High LDL/cholesterol:
Start regular exercise daily 45 minutes in the morning
Take small frequent meal rather than large meal
Avoid spicy and fatty food
Check your Sugar and bllod pressor regularly every 3 months
Eat garlic regularly
Fruits like orange, water melon, apple and grapes.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar