Thank you for your query.
This report could indicate an UTI (
urinary tract infection), a urethral stone, or improper collection of urine sample, to name a few.
Blood and bacteria are usually absent in the urine. 1-2 pus cells cause no concern.
A small amount of mucous thread is normal
All the values put together in presence of mucous threads mostly indicate an
Infection. The turbidity appearance could be due to the presence of mucous and cells.
This urine analysis could be part of a bigger picture (ranging from physical stress, uti to tumors in the urinary tract to severe renal damage).
Symptoms, medical history (
hypertension, kidney disease), medications and clinical findings will help to pinpoint or rule out serious disease processes.
I recommend you see your physician to detect and treat any correctable problems.
Hope this helps. Wish you good health.
Please get back to us if you have any questions.
If you have any associated symptoms like fever, abdominal /
pelvic pain,
weight loss,