Hi and thanks for sharing your question with HCM.
A pus cell count of 6 - 8 and the presence of bacteria suggests a mild infection. However the culture yielded no growth. The presence of
epithelial cells could be due to vaginal secretions or contamination and can be regarded as normal.
pregnancy, women are prone to getting a
kidney infection - the high level of
progesterone hormone which supports the pregnancy makes it easier for backflow of urine upwards to the kidneys. This plus an enlarged uterus pressing on the ureters increases the likelihood of urinary backflow and therefore infection. A kidney infection can be nasty and this must be averted at all costs.
At 27 weeks, you need to watch out for symptoms of worsening infection such as
strangury (frequent voiding of small amounts of urine), burning sensation on voiding, abdominal tenderness or discomfort and
low grade fever. An unchecked infection can cause uterine irritability which sometimes brings on premature contractions.
Currently, you need to drink lots of fluids and void your bladder regularly. Antibiotics are not necessary yet. Do watch out for any symptoms. If possible, repeat the
urinalysis in a few days and compare to see if you have improved or worsened.
Thank you
Dr Shabnam