Hello Dr s, I have been concerned with an encounter I had roughly 3 weeks ago. I am a male and I initially had protected vaginal sex with a female until roughly 20 minutes later when I unfortunately realized the condom had slipped off sometime during intercourse. Roughly 2-3 days later I noticed a dry flat scaly grouped rash on the very end of my penile shaft on the right side (closest to the body). I am not sure what it was but the rash itself did not itch and did not hurt when touched unless I squeezed it. Upon healing I noticed it became hard and without looking I could feel a scab as I placed my hands into my pants even at night with the lights off. I then noticed some tingling around my groin area 2 days after and by the end of the week (7 days total) the rash had healed completely and I began to notice a general body itch everywhere involving my face, back, arms, legs and even my anal hole (but we only had vaginal sex). I still feel some tingling here and there but not as much as the beginning. The itch does not wake me up at night at all. I notice it does not itch as much or ever if I am walking, having a conversation with someone or playing sports. However, the itch is usually the worst when I wake up or when I am seated on the computer/ studying. I do not want to jump to conclusions nor do I want to downplay my symptoms which is what brought me here. Can any health professionals please provide some feedback? Thank you!