Hello and welcome to HCM,
The uterus is placed at certain angle with vagina.
This position is called
anteversion and this is the normal position of uterus.
Ill-defined hyper-echoic mass in cervical region suggests presence of a mass lesion measuring 2 cm in greast diameter.
This lesion can be a cyst, polyp or fibroid.
All of these lesions are non-neoplastic and benign and these lesions are harmless.
The endometrium shows normal thickness.
There is presence of
blood clots along the endometrium which indicates that the endometrium is bleeding.
There is no evidence of any
gestational sac in the
uterine cavity.
There is presence of a separate left
ovarian cyst measuring 7 cm in greatest diameter.
The right sided ovary is within normal limits.
You need to consult your gynecologist with report for management of left ovarian cyst.
Thanks and take care
DR Shailja P Wahal