I have been experiencing gritty/waxy discharge. The texture is sort of as if toilet paper was stuffed up there and then flaking apart with just that bit of moister that you would expect from being inside your body. Like, if you took toilet paper or tissue and wet it and then rubbed it on clothing, how it flakes apart. kind of dry but moist. If i reach my fingers in deep I can scoop good amounts of it out and it s thicker, gloppy but gritty…kind of like…well…grits. There is no odor. I do have a burning sensation inside though, and it s rather uncomfortable. Not painful but similar to a yeast infection irritation burn inside, without the itching and odor. I went to a gyno almost 2 weeks ago b/c I thought i had a yeast infection and they said it was some other bacteria and PH balance offset. She put me on Metronidazole Gel. I felt better for a little while, However, the discharge did not occur at that point until just yesterday. Same sensation I had before going to the doc but this discharge was not present then.