Last May 2011- I had an abdominal CT scan.
Other that a simple cyst on my left ovary, everything checked out fine.
My liver- pancreas and all that were shown- all OK.
June 10 2011, I came down with a moderate case of Valley Fever.
I was sick for about 3 weeks. No medicines other that Ibuprofen were used to treat my symptoms.
I had pain in my left shoulder- lung, fever, sweats, achy- like flu and a HORRENDOUS flat red/purple/brown full body rash.
About two weeks ( week and a half) later I had some soreness under my left breasr. I went to Urgent care had an X-ray of my chest- full body check and EKG. Everything was fine. x-ray didn't show anything.
Next day all that pain was gone.
In September I found a new doctor & told her all my story and about the pain under my breast.
She believes it was a bit of the Valley Fever- pain associated with the lining of my lung.
No pain at all now.
In 2003, I had an encounter with a man of unknown HIV status. I preformed oral sex on him and he ejaculated a little in my mouth. I never thought of that since- until now.
In a few hours I'm going for a Rapid Blood test to test for HIV.
1. would the CT scan in May have shown anything HIV at that time?
2. Would having had Valley Fever in June- 6 months ago interfere with my upcoming HIV test?
thank you