I started off with a milder condition but learnt in 11 weeks that:
(1) Get the fat from our body off as fat isseen b body as dumping ground for toxins.
(2) Built up use of karela (bitter gourd) in vegetables to be consumed. used every alternate day in lunch.
(3) Took 1 tsp ground fenugreek (ground at home) twice a day.
(4) Threw all Engineered Oils and fats out of thee house. They are biggest source of disease all over world. These canola,saffola are a big sham. Use Olive oil.
(5) Started eating ground flaxseed powder 9built up to now 2TBSP/Day)
(6) Threw all Black tea, coffee out of house.
(7) Started consuming 5 cups Tulsi green tea/day
(8) Started walking. When i started my left leg used to get cramped below kneed barely after maybe 900 steps. However started oiling body with seasame oil and now i can go on and on till 10000 steps at brisk pace if i want to 5000 paces in one go is normal now. I have redduce my walk to just about 2-3 times a week from initial everyday.
(9) Switched to Alkaline diet. Alkaline water 3-4 litres/day.
(10) 8-9 hours of "restorative sleep"
10 weeks down the line after my first two tests now i am at FBS60/PPBS 96 which started off at levels of 129/220. My last
HBA1C (11th week from first report) was 5.0
and random Sugar was 92.
No Pills.
Now I am on all fruit/salad dinner (no grains).
Taking nice milk preparation with Turmeric, figs, almonds, raisns, sonth.
Liberally consuming ginger, onion, turmeric, beet, carrot and leaf green stuff.
Still continuing with my fenugreek, cinnamon, corriander powder stuff.
Will be adding Flaxseed Oil (Organic preferably) to diet.
PS: For those on any medication which has blood thinners consult your doc on fenugreek, cinnamon etc. Allopathic doctors normally would pooh pooh all this so be prepared for that. they don;t beieve in all this. In any case it has helped me and despite 9ncluding high GI food my sugar is always reporting on normal range. No PILLS at all. my BP dropped from 160 to 120.
This is just what i did and no medical advise was taken before doing all this as i knew all allopaths will ridicule on all this. But it worked.