hello doctor , My grandmom (61 years of age) is suffering from diabetes from the last nine years and kidney failure from the last 7 months. She is going through dialysis twice a week. She has severe breathing problem quite often. She doesnt pass urine properly and frequently, infact it is very rare. Her present report is as follws: fasting plasma glucose-103 mg/dl post prandial plasma glucose-152 mg/dl serum urea-171 mg/dl serum creatinine-7.6 mg/dl serum sodium-137 mmol/L serum potassium-6.5 mmol/L haemoglobin-12.6 gm/dl Total WBC count-8800 per cmm. Sugar- 0.5 gm% albumin (++) RBC- 2-4/HPF Pus cells- (20-30), occassional clumps present/HPF epith cells- 6-10 bacteria- (+) Sir what do you suggest about the report, specially the pus cells?