My wife is suffering from severe body swelling, although we under went plenty of tests like, Urine Report, Kidney test, Test for the Cist, Liver test, protein content, and many more. Does that means the doctor is playing with patient health, now the same doctor wants blood culture test after three months that means from three months there is no change in patients health the same condition of my wife due to complete body swelling. It is very very regretful to say that doctor advised those test written above atleast three times and we followed the instructions. Inspite of several reminders to the doctor there is not result. Than we changed the doctor again the story started all tests done again and again. My wife is fed up with all these and i feel she may take serious steps to finish her life. Please advice us to what test should be done exactly to know the root cause for the healthy treatment.Please reply me through mail mabydemand at g mail dot com or at qaqctrojan2000 at g mail dot com We will be very thankful to you all throughout our life