U have vulvovaginitis ,
Vulvovaginitis can affect women of all ages and is extremely common. It can be caused by bacteria, yeasts, viruses, and other parasites. Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can also cause vulvovaginitis, as can various chemicals found in bubble baths, soaps, and perfumes. Environmental factors such as poor hygiene and allergens may also cause this condition.
Irritation and itching of the genital area
Inflammation (irritation, redness, and swelling) of the
labia majora,
labia minora, or perineal area
Vaginal discharge
Foul vaginal odor
Discomfort or burning when urinating.
Treatment depends on what is causing the infection. Treatment may include:
Antibiotics taken by mouth or applied to the skin
Antifungal cream
Antibacterial cream
Cortisone cream
Antihistamine, if the irritation is due to an allergic reaction
Estrogen cream, if the irritation and inflammation is due to low levels of estrogen.
u can try candifem
vaginal tablets twice a day for three days to b placed in vagina.
ointment surfaz -N for vaginal application ,
tab-Hicet -L twice a day ,
tab oflamac 200 mg twice a day .
Dr.Khaleel ,India ,9902596161,Khals2000@yahoo.co.in