My Nephew who sis 28 yrs old had an ulcer over this past weekend which bled and left with a remainder of 5.8 blodd left in his body, He is a Jehovah withness and he is refusing the blood transfusionand the Hospital plans to release him when his heart rate drops to the 70's and his body blood count is up to at least 7, he is currently connected to nutrients, IV and antibiotics, my fear in talking to other Drs within the hospital is that if they send him home, I am understanding his organs can start shutting down and can ultimately be death threatening, and a heart attack can be another death threatening issue he is on the shots of some tyoe of drug that helps populate his own blood. How serious is this? IS he going to survive when they send him home with half his blood? The rest of our family are not Jehovas witnessess and we want so bad to have him reconsider the transfusuion, but he is adamant