Doc, what is lymphoma? A year ago, I felt a pain in my chest, and went to the ER. The doctor said it was something called anterior chest (need to check the spelling), and asked that I follow up with my doctor. Later, I received a letter from the ER saying that there was a node that showed up on the chest x-ray. I took that letter to my doctor as well. I pointed out to him that I still feel a hard bump a bit to the right of my sternum. He felt it and said that it could have been there for a while. My doctor requested that I have a CT scan, which I did. He called later with the result that there was no node. Today, I still have the pain, and still feel the hard bump. Due to retrenchment, I had lost my job, and so, did not have medical insurance. I have medical insurance again now, and would like to seek medical attention for my issue. Can you tell me the type of specialist that I should see? Thank you.