I m a male, 34 y., I m suffering of finding blood in the mouth every morning for the last 3 weeks, this is my CBC results: HG: 14.8 gm/dl RBCs count: 4.9 millions/ cmm Platelets count: 269 thousands/ cmm Total leucocytic count: 3.8 thouthands/ cmm Differential leucocytic count: Neutrophils: 32.6%. - 1.24 x 10*9/l Lymphocytes: 50.3% - 1.91 X 10*9/l Monocytes: 11.8%. - 0.45. X 10*9/l Eosinophils: 4.2%. - 0.16 X 10*9/l Basophils: 1.1%. - 0.04. X 10*9/l Comment: Mild leucopenia, relative lymphocytosis, relative monocytosis, absolute neutropenia Follow up is recommended Please, could you tell me the diagnosis and what I have to do, Many Thanks, George