Hello dear
I understand your concern
Compare your
semen analysis with normal semsn analysis:
Count:(5th – 95th percentile): 15 – 213 million cells per Ml
Total Motility:(5th – 95th percentile): 40 – 78%
Volume:(5th – 95th percentile): 1.5 – 6.8 mL
Morphology: (5th – 95th percentile): 4 – 44%
Liquefaction time:15-60 minutes
Your first sample analysis have
low sperm count and low motility and it cause problem in conceive with this sperm report.
But in your second sample analysis all the parameter in the normal range and you can become father with this semen analysis.
But in 2 days this type of changes will not occur.
Report of NABL accredited laboratory is trustable.
So i would suggest to go for NABL laboratory for final confirmation.
stress, take healthy diet, do regualr exercise, drink plenty of water,
take more fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables.
Hope this may help you
Contact HCM for further health query
Best regards
Dr. Sagar