Hello dear
Understand your concern
Compare your urine report with normal urine report.
Color: Yellow________________normal
transparency: Clear_______turbid_abnormal
pH: 4.5-8_______________________normal
Specific gravity – 1.005-1.025____________normal
Glucose - ≤130 mg/d_______________nil
Blood: ≤3 RBCs__________________no RBC
Squamous epithelial cells: ≤15-20 squamous epithelial cells/hpf_normal
Albumin: nil_________________abnormal.
Bile salt/pigment: nil______________normal
Pus cell:
So turbid urine and albumin may be due to
urinary tract infection (but pus cell may there:> 5/hpf), hypertensive and
diabetic nephropathy.
Please go for urine culture report to find out infections/bacteria as it is accurate.
Do quantitative estimation of albumin in urine that help in management.
Also go for measurement of blood pressor and blood sugar estimation, Hb1ac.
If any cause will detect then take proper treatment of it.
Drink plenty of waters and regular exercise and medication early in the morning.
Hope this may help you
Best regards
Dr. Sagar