hi there my name is XXXX i am 6 1 around 275 lbs. i have been having a numbing sensation in my front lower left side for about 3 days now. its like a tingling feeling, almost like like my torso on the left side to the hip is asleep. last February of this year i hurt my back at work. i now have bulging in 2 disks in my lower back. i am not sure what ones tho, and bruising in my bottom disk. i never had any numbing in my legs or anywhere at that matter, until now. Do you think i could have pinched a nerve in my back? my sciatic nerve maybe? i have been doing lots of extra moving at work. i am not sure if re hurt it, but i am not having any pain, other then the everyday pain of having a bad back. i am really freaked out about this! please help me, looking forward to good news. thanks so much!