Respected there
I had gone through your query and understand your concern.
With such presentation in my clinic, I would first concentrate on the following aspects of the case -
(a)- whether the
depression and
anxiety of the patient have been the natural part of his personality since childhood and now have aggravated...... OR
(b)- depression and anxiety have developed all of a sudden as a result of some mishaps
2. when patient use term
insomnia in clinic.... it often means
(a)- No sleep at all.
(b)- start sleeping normally but sleep disturbed at a regular interval of 2 - 21/2 hrs.
(c)- start sleeping normally, sleep disturbed at mid-night and thereafter no sleep at all.
if rest of the conditions are non-pathological, following medications give good results in 80 - 85 % of such cases...
Presentation 1/ (a)
# Sarswatarishta (suvarna yukta)
# Kumarkalyan rasa
# Chaturanan vati
Presentation 1 / (b)
# Ashwagandharishta
# Sarswatarishta (suvarna yukta)
# Chaturanan vati
# yashad bhasm
Presentation 2 / (a)
# Ashwagandha ghrita
# Mahavatavidhwansan rasa
Head massage with Shivtattwadi mishran
Presentation 2 / (b) and (c)
# Sootshekhar rasa
# Chaturanan vati
# Praval panchamrita (mouktika yukta)
Hope i have answered your query and it would be helpful.
Warm regards....
Dr. Ranjeet Sharma.