1. One possible symptom of
Lyme disease is 'air hunger' or so called
shortness of breath [SOB], and is due to Babesiosis [ which is one of the Lyme co-infections]
2. In best position I would suggest you to see a LLMD [Lyme-literate M.D] since most general doctors/physician don't know that much about Lyme and how to treat it properly and taking antibiotics in such condition will only worse the symptoms, called as 'herx'.
PS. The presence of
antibodies in the blood is not sufficient reason for continued or retreatment with antibiotics & currently, there is no available
vaccine in the market for Lyme disease.
3. Emphysema/COPD is progressive and worsens every year, one has to live with it, stressing on deep breathing exercises, avoiding exertion and low dose
steroids for severe cases is key to management. If breathing difficulty gets severe, seek help from ED [emergency department]
PS. acute exacerbations are usually due to infection and are related to change in weather.