my 12 yr old daughter has been sick since Feb. 22, to doctors, swollen hands , feet,, rash all over that comes and goes, Tuesday 4/5/11, sore throat, tonsils huge with white looking pocket on one of them. I took her to the ER last nite, they swobbed throat, said it wasn t streap, we just left. Very furstrated, previously, one of her blood works, said she , has had a , recent or current infection of mono, this was discovered in an EBV test. Please tell me , what I should ask the doctors to check for. Her tonsils and still the same ! Feb 22/ 2011 , she also had a welp swollen rash all over the legs and arms, and face. would come and go, doctor did byopsy, it came back utcariial vasulitis. I am just lost, my daughter need answers. Thank you for ANY advise or suggestions. Diana P..