Seeking possible cause of aggravating movement on top of upper lip, left side, over the last two years. Paired with feeling on inside of mouth (same area) almost as if a thread is threading the area. Movement does stop& times, For consecutive hours. Never painfull. Often activated upon topical treatment (Aczone, Tea Tree Oil, etc.) Causes more shallow breathing on my part, due to holding my mouth in a tense/closed manner. I feel this hinders oxygen I am supplying to body throught the day& often concentrate on slow, deep, breathing from my diaphragm to compensate. The constant sensation seems to have a somewhat hypnotic effect & negatively affects my (normally) sharp, mental alertness. Have noticed vague, almost paths under skin on left cheek that are connected. I would suspect nobody else would agree to seeing such with their naked eye. My dermatologist just insists on topical treatments for cystic breakouts prone to repeated, single locations on face. No acne as teenager or young adult. Onset near time of fourth child being born. (The breakouts). Have not sought doctors other than dermatologist I see. To weird to explain.