Hi, Doctor. Lately, after I eat, I get these tiny headaches that feel like a vacuum and sometimes my vision seems off and my face feels tingly. I don t think it s diabetes, I ve looked up the symptoms and it doesn t seem quite like what I m experiencing. I do have gluten-intolerance/Celiac Disease and I eat pretty well and do some light exercise when I can and am at a healthy weight. I seem to do better when I drink milk (lactose-free), so I thought maybe I have a calcium deficiency. Those symptoms seem to match what I m feeling more of, and I ve been drinking milk at every meal. Today, I was feeling pretty good (though rather tired) and decided to treat myself to a gluten-free cupcake. I don t really like sweets, but I figured I hadn t had one for a while and thought oh, what the hey . Almost immediately after I started feeling off again. I had a glass of milk as soon as it started, and it helped a bit. I really don t think it s diabetes, but I m paranoid about what might be wrong with me as I have such a limited diet. Is it just a calcium deficiency? Thank you in advance.