thanks for your question,
actually you are suffering from UTI. take antibiotic
ofloxacin 250 mg for 5 days after meal for infection and irritation and burning.
paracetamol for fever .
drink lots of water
drink 5 tablespoon of milk with one glass plain soda for 5 days will flush out waste products in
kidney and you will get relief from burning.
Eat a lot of foods that contain vitamin C to treat a
urinary tract infection. Eat citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruit, drink cranberry juice or take an over-the-counter
vitamin C supplement daily. The acidity in the vitamin helps remove built-up bacteria in your urinary tract that causes infection.
Change clothes regularly.
It might be customary to wear the same clothes a few days in a row when you camp, but make sure you change your underwear regularly when you have a urinary tract infection. Clean underwear can easily be stashed in a resealable plastic bag and will help prevent infections caused by bacteria.
Avoid caffeinated beverages when you're treating a urinary tract infection in the wilderness. These can dehydrate you, which will prevent the infection from clearing up. Caffeine is a
diuretic, which will cause you to have to urinate more frequently and increase the urgency to urinate caused by the infection.
Use a
heating pad. Apply a warm heating pad to your abdomen to ease bladder discomfort.
Stop using irritating feminine products. Douches, deodorant sprays and powders can all irritate your urinary tract.
Take a shower instead of a bath. Sitting in a tub filled with bubbles or with excessive soap or shampoo suds can wash away your urethra's protective mucus layer and invite infection.
i think these information will help you.