hello about a week ago me & my boyfriend had oral sex which was pretty rough, i could feel him sucking to the point where it was to hard & it also felt like he bit me. After the oral sex we had intercourse unprotected, i was swollen afterwards but then it went down. two days later i masturbated & now all of a sudden my labia minora is very swollen & there is about 2 bug like pimples on it as well, there not blisters but more like a bump & it's very painful - I've been putting an ice pack on my vagina to reduce some of the swelling but i work & every time i walk it obviously irritates me & becomes swollen again, i also have a little bit of discharge - do i have an std or is from him biting me, i don't know what to do for the pain - I have a doctors apt with my gyn in the morning but I need answers now