Thank you for your question.
LVH is diagnosed by critieria, not just 'visual' height. In addition 150/90 is definitely
hypertension. Getting the ECHO will definitively tell you whether you have LVH or not. At your age, you are wise to get all of this done and get your B/P below 140/90.
In reference to the
dizziness or occasional palpitations after a meal or strenuous exercise, it sounds like you need a treadmill test to see if you are having runs of SVT with exercise. (
Supraventricular tachycardia) Your doctor can also do a
holter monitor, but sometimes you need 3 or more days worth to get meaningful information.
Later in the paragraph you mention turning your head suddenly, problems with the PC etc. You may in fact have viral labyrnthitis which can cause many of these symptoms. It is a viral infection in your ear which can be treated with an antihistamine. However being unable to see clearly and excessive tearing do not come with that. That is more likely to be due to allergies.
Viral labyrnthrtis can occur after a plane ride, a
cold, diving. You can buy over the counter
Zyrtec D and take it twice a day. Walgreens has their version which is much cheaper.
But you may also need to be tested for allergies for the other symptoms.
Hope this was helpful.
Carol Rogala D.O.