Hi basically, I wanted to know your expert opinion on my situation. Jan 3rd 2013 I had unprotected intercourse and showed no symptoms til jan18th when my urine started to burn, few days went past now I have a strong odor (fishy smell on limp all day) and have picked up other symptoms like itchyness/fever/rubbin eyes/..I ve looked through internet resources and narrowed my symptoms down too.. Chlamydia,clap,yeast/thrush, would this seem likely? Or do you believe I may have something eles? I m getting tested through homekit and gum clinic but want to know your advice and conclusion, if you could!. What s worrying me now, is if it s chlamydia how long does it take til I get epididymitis?? - and how would I visual tell if I ve got epididymitis? And if I ve got epididymitis how long does it take before one of my testicles become dead. I ve had 2/3 different times when my balls have ached but didn t think anything of it. Also is it possible to have chlamydia and thrush or other sti at the same time? Like may I have caught 2 sti with one intercourse or would it have to be seperate times?.