Thanks for the query to H.C.M.Forum.
As you are healthy , B P is also within normal limit ,but pain present lower and upper abdomen , so may be due to .
1 The first possibility is of hyper acidity . Diagnosis can be confirmed by upper G I
endoscopy as well physical and clinical examination with history of illness. You can do following measures for relief.Try raising the head of your bed about 4 inches with blocks.It also might help to avoid eating or drinking for 2 hours before you lie down.To help control the stomach acid one should not drink alcohol or drinks with caffeine in them or spicy or greasy foods .Also take some
antacid but if symptoms are severe then you may need drugs like
proton pump inhibitors.
2 The second possibility may be due to over eating , as sometimes person eats so much so that there develops pain in stomach .All this happen on the name of exercises ( may be in your case).So avoid over eating.
3 Lower
abdominal pain may be due to amoebic
colitis . Diagnosis can be confirmed by stool examination as well physical examination.
4 tension is another cause of such pain.
In my opinion deal accordingly as I mentioned .
Still no improvement then consult a physician and get his opinion.
Good luck.