I had an incident about three weeks ago. I was having a broken tooth extracted, which I was going to be put to sleep. They had discovered before the procedure that my blood oxygen level was at 86-89 and they tried to bring it up, but finally told me that I needed to go see my primary doctor immediately and go to an emergency clinic just to have it checked out to make sure I was not having heart or possibly a blood clot. I went to my primary doctor and multiple tests we done, blood tests, blood gasses, EKG, CT Scan, all which showed no heart or clot problem. My Dr. put me on 24 hour oxygen, and now, almost 4 weeks later, I am still on the oxygen, and have been put on temp. leave from my job. I also have been diagnosed with Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid of my eyes and I am currently in a care of two drs. from UC Davis in Sacramento, California. I am 61 years old, and just would like an outside opinion of what you would suggest my next step would be??? I am getting very frustrated, as I am not the type of person that is looking to not work or take care of my responsibilities. I was also sent to a Rhuematoligist and she looked over my lab work, and seemed to think it was not lupus of anything like that. I also have been going to UC Davis in Sacramento since July 2013, and they have put me on VERY STRONG prescriptions that I was told that COULD possibly cause other problems. Also, I am to have another eye biopsy in February. What would you suggest my next step be?? Thank you so much. Sheila