Hi, I was just wondering what the general advice is on taking broad spectrum antibiotics and the combined oral contraceptive pill? I have heard loads of contradicting information, like the nurse who prescribed me the pill saying extra precautions were needed but someone else in exactly the same situation being told that lymecycline (the antibiotic we re both on for acne and have been for a while) has no effect on the pill at all, and having looked around that the WHO and also the royal college of obs. and gyn. (in the UK) have both advised that more recent studies suggest such antib s have negligible effect and the old studies which suggested they do were flawed. I guess I just need to hear a more definitive answer from someone to be sure,! Would be most grateful for a reply as I don t want to have to take up a slot at my doctor s surgery for this, they re really busy and I don t want to use up an appointment that could be used by someone who s really sick.