Hello and welcome to HCM,
Before answering your query I would like to give you some information regarding the parameters assessed in smeen analysis:
1. Semen volume: It should be atleast 2 ml per ejaculate
2. Sperm concentration: It should be atleast 2 million per ml
3. Sperm motility: At Least 50% sperms should have rapid forward progressive motion
4. Sperm morphology: At Least 50% sperms should have normal morphology
5. Pus cells, red blood cells and other abnormal cells should be absent.
semen analysis report is showing presence of pus cells and hence injection.
The infection could be in the
urinary tract or the genital tract.
Treatment of the infection should be done and then a repeat semen analysis.
The results obtained in the presence of infection may be misleading thus test results after semen analysis will give the true picture.
Consult your doctor with the report for prescription of antibiotic.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal