i have breast implants, i got them in 1979 so they are old. i have always had mamograms and even had a ultrasound some years ago to make sure they were still in good condition, which they were. no signs of leaks or ruptures. all of my since mamograms have been fine. i have looked online at some implant problems such as when a capsule forms around the implant, i wasn t pleased when i watched a video of a dr. removing an implant with a hard capsule around it, once it was out he had to crack the capsule off of it leaving an intact soft implant. my question is, are my mamograms doing a good job of showing the health of my implants if they are in a capsule? Also, with manipulation i can get a dark green discharge out of my nipple, just a tiny amount but it seems quite strange that it s dark green. sometimes there s some white/milk colored fluid also but out of a different duct. my dr didn t seem alarmed and said it was probably a duct infection or something like that. i am 55 and in good health. during my next pap test and breast exam would it be a good idea for me to ask the dr to take a sample of the discharge and have it examined? i have no pain or fever or any symptoms, i just wonder what it is.... thank you so much for taking time to read this. sincerely.... connie