I read your question and I understand your concen.
An infarct is another medical term for
stroke. The fact that it is acute means it is recent, not a remnant of your previous stroke.
Corona radiata and
parietal lobe are regions of the brain. So you have a new stroke in the left side of your brain in the region of the corona radiata and parietal lobe. That stroke location can cause speech problems, how much you'll improve is difficult to predict, improvement is expected mainly during first 6 months.
As for the arteries it says that you have
atherosclerosis of those arteries (internal carotid and basilar - two of the most important vessels). Since you have repeated stroke that is to be expected to a degree, what would matter to know is how much this atherosclerotic process has evolved, how much does it narrow these arteries, whether there are atherosclerotic plaques and what is there condition - how much of a risk for thrombi formation do they constitute. The answer's to these questions are more important for your management and prognosis (to predict the risk of other strokes), for that exams like Doppler
ultrasonography and Angio CT or
MRI of those blood vessels are necessary.
I hope to have been of help.