How long should it take for prescribed albenzadole to work? Can one take over the counter pyrantel pamoate on the third day after taking albenzadole if their are still pinworms? Is their anything else one can do to expedite the killing and expulsion of pinworms? (enemas, gastric flushing, certain foods, eg.) Using both of the aforementioned products would duplicate therapy, I know, but having waited until the third day after taking albenzadole would their be any toxic effects? (liver damage, etc.) Does alcohol use effect the efficacy of either of these drugs? Metronidozole vaginal gel seems to have helped with to the topical discomfort from the worms descending during sleep and depositing eggs around the anus. What are implications of that drug with alcohol use? (The package information indicated that it could have some "disulfuram-like" results Further reading indicated that "disulfuram" may be some drug to assist with alcohol use and spoke of some "psychotic" interaction of disulfuram with alcohol.) Also, would it hurt to use any of the three (albenzadole &/or pyrantel and metronidazole?