Good morning dr. krueger
I’m living in costa rica, 43, female, stage4 non-small cell lung cancer, non smoker.
I received only 4 of 6 rounds of chemotherapy due to a severe lung infection 7 month ago.
After 4 round of chemotherapy (sisplatin combo), cancer was shrinking and currently only in one lung present and growing now since left with no treatment.
Tecnically I should be death several month ago, but I’m in excellent health conditions and fighting with government hospital for additional treatment.
They are offering now chemotherapy and radiotherapy combined.
Since I cannot trust the oncologists working for public hospitals trying to save money, here is my question.
What kind of treatments, combinations, duration, do you recommend now and what shall I do after, if I survive this treatments and panorama is looking good?
Available in costa rica is 3d, cobalt, and chemotherapy is bought in the USA.
I also intend to travel to cuba for cimavax efg vaccin and I’m actually taking a daily dose of scorpion venom from cuba.
Do you recommend equinacea for preventing future infection?
Many thanks in advance for all the help I can get.