Hi Welcome to HCM
I have gone thru your query regarding
leukemia of your bro in law . I can under stand your concern .
Magnitude of the survival advantage from improved nutrition, can even be greater than the magnitude of the treatment effects being targeted in current clinical drug trials .
As his treatment is suspended .You cann't sit back , see helplessly .
I wiould like to suggest you to modify lifestyle to fight cancer is one of the most effective treatment options in my view .
Our health depends mostly upon 'what & how & when we eat, and our life style .
A diet full of processed foods will produce biochemical and metabolic conditions in your body that will decrease your immunity, so avoiding processed foods is definitely the first step in the right direction.
Detoxing the body, boosting the immune system and changing the diet are important elements of treatment for Leukemia. A diet should consist of no sugar or white flour and as close to organic food as possible.
Using methods such as essiac tea,
vitamin C and goat’s milk can treat the cancer.
One of the important strategies to achieve healthy body is a diet rich in fresh, raw whole foods .More of Fiber, fruit, egg fish ,fish oil for Omega 3, green leafy veges . quality, organic, biodynamic, locally-grown food will naturally increase
To keep
metabolism on right path to increase the strength of immune system , take all supplements full of antioxidant serve as antibiotics .
Raw garlik ginger
coconut water ,
Lemon juice with water twice before meals ,
Turmeric powder , level spoon with with a cup of hot milk with B/F & at bed time ,
Buttermilk with lunch
Aloe vera juice 20 ml twice a day
Antioxidants maximizes natural minerals so that your body has the raw materials it needs , to do what it was designed to do. To kill bacteria on mass basis
Physical activity in order to renew healthy cell and rebuild itself, so you should make exercise a lifelong commitment.
Do 30 mins walk/ exercise - from head to toe ,
yoga ,pranayam - deep breatihing , Kapalbhatti / Laughing aloud . proper rest ,
meditation & positive thinking , to detoxify your system to accelerate the process of recovery . .
Contipation is the mother of all illnesses so is mental
stress /worry /anger
The condition is REGULARITY
I further suggest you not to worry and take action fast ,Above regimen will surely gradualy , help you to lead happy worry free healthy life ahead
Magnets & drinking Water, prepared on magnets also plays as a potent tool in treating cancer and killing bacteria on mass basis.
HOPE THIS HELPS SOLVE YOUR QUERY Take care All the best . If any doubt mailatdrsuchda@gmail.com
Dont hesitate for futher query if any